National exam or UN (ujian nasional ) in Indonesian is one  of the ways to  evaluating student ability  who carried out by government and following  national standart . Now  Mendikbud (Culture and Education Minister) muhadjir effendi  will be stopped accomplishing UN or  we can call UN Morotarium.  if president jokowi agree with that so accomplishing UN Morotarium would be started at 2016/2017.of course into  education world  have become hot news   , remembered that  UN has became  evaluation to  student learning in  education. and than , the result of   national exam students ever became    the only standart  of graduation. the problems above appeared more of statement pro and contra  in society,  Because they are not considering the learning process of students for three years and always to depend of that only three days implementation of the UN.

but in this article  I just to  only focus for  two argument that is argument from   education  observer of  Arief Rahman who pro with problem and the other one is argument from Bali governor Made Mangku Pastika that contra with problem

according to Arief Rahman ( education observer) statement is 
Kita ini lulus-tidak lulus dengan satu standar, apakah adil? Kalau daerah terluar, yang guru SD-nya hanya tiga, disamakan dengan Jakarta, saya katakan tidak adil. Kelulusan tidak boleh ujian nasional tapi ujian sekolah yang evaluasi anak, berdasarkan potensi anak di daerah masing-masing," kata pengamat pendidikan Arief Rachman saat dihubungi detikcom, Senin” (28/11/2016)  
(we are graduted or not with only one standart, that’s fair? if  region outside, that have elementary teacher only three, and same as with Jakarta, I say that not fair. Graduation  had not  UN, but UN that would  evaluate to student base on the ability in own region) 

 and  He  say that  implementation of UN as passing standart is fallacie. arief say that UN just  only for mapping to all  region in Indonesian 

and contractdicting with  Made Mangku Pastika (Bali Governor ) statement is
Kan belum diputuskan ya, baru wacana. Ya, saya harapkan sih diambil keputusan yang sebaiknya, karena bagaimanapun kita perlu standar nasional," kata Pastika di Lapangan Niti Mandala Renon, Denpasar, Bali, Rabu (30/11/2016) ( that is not finish yet, just only discourse ,ya I hope they can take  a good adjucated, because  we need national Standart ) 

 and according him we are needed national education standart for  prepare human resources to compete  in global, I sure government can take a good solution about  this problem  

to sum up the  statement above I had said that during  several years UN  doing in Indonesian, always become debate and  controversial in society. In  a side  society that agree with it, because. we can’t to equal national standar in eacho ther  region   that no fair. and  the other side of society that disagree with it, because  we need to national standart , with national standart we can evalutate student ability

I can give conclusion to you that we must   support the UN morotarium, because implementation of UN had spent more fund and than during the UN doing national standart still low until now   



National exam or UN (ujian nasional ) in Indonesian is one  of the ways to  evaluating student ability  who carried out by government and following  national standart . Now  Mendikbud (Culture and Education Minister) muhadjir effendi  will be stopped accomplishing UN or  we can call UN Morotarium.  if president jokowi agree with that so accomplishing UN Morotarium would be started at 2016/2017.of course into  education world  have become hot news   , remembered that  UN has became  evaluation to  student learning in  education. and than , the result of   national exam students ever became    the only standart  of graduation. the problems above appeared more of statement pro and contra  in society,  Because they are not considering the learning process of students for three years and always to depend of that only three days implementation of the UN.

but in this article  I just to  only focus for  two argument that is argument from   education  observer of  Arief Rahman who pro with problem and the other one is argument from Bali governor Made Mangku Pastika that contra with problem

according to Arief Rahman ( education observer) statement is 
Kita ini lulus-tidak lulus dengan satu standar, apakah adil? Kalau daerah terluar, yang guru SD-nya hanya tiga, disamakan dengan Jakarta, saya katakan tidak adil. Kelulusan tidak boleh ujian nasional tapi ujian sekolah yang evaluasi anak, berdasarkan potensi anak di daerah masing-masing," kata pengamat pendidikan Arief Rachman saat dihubungi detikcom, Senin” (28/11/2016)  
(we are graduted or not with only one standart, that’s fair? if  region outside, that have elementary teacher only three, and same as with Jakarta, I say that not fair. Graduation  had not  UN, but UN that would  evaluate to student base on the ability in own region) 

 and  He  say that  implementation of UN as passing standart is fallacie. arief say that UN just  only for mapping to all  region in Indonesian 

and contractdicting with  Made Mangku Pastika (Bali Governor ) statement is
Kan belum diputuskan ya, baru wacana. Ya, saya harapkan sih diambil keputusan yang sebaiknya, karena bagaimanapun kita perlu standar nasional," kata Pastika di Lapangan Niti Mandala Renon, Denpasar, Bali, Rabu (30/11/2016) ( that is not finish yet, just only discourse ,ya I hope they can take  a good adjucated, because  we need national Standart ) 

 and according him we are needed national education standart for  prepare human resources to compete  in global, I sure government can take a good solution about  this problem  

to sum up the  statement above I had said that during  several years UN  doing in Indonesian, always become debate and  controversial in society. In  a side  society that agree with it, because. we can’t to equal national standar in eacho ther  region   that no fair. and  the other side of society that disagree with it, because  we need to national standart , with national standart we can evalutate student ability

I can give conclusion to you that we must   support the UN morotarium, because implementation of UN had spent more fund and than during the UN doing national standart still low until now